Youth ministry

Youth group meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30am with Lauren Soares. They also have different fun events and activities going on throughout the months. 

We believe that our students can not only learn the Bible, but also live the Bible, and engage their world.  We know that middle school is a pivotal time in the spiritual development of a teenager! Not only are students at the crossroads between childhood and adolescence, they are experiencing a lot of physical, emotional, social, and spiritual changes.

At First Presbyterian Church, we LOVE middle and high school kids, including all of their craziness and energy! The Middle  and High School ministry seeks to connect kids with Jesus Christ, the truths of Scripture, and the foundation of reformed faith. We want to connect with middle school kids in a very fun, intentional way, and help them see their unique purpose in this world. We promise to care for your child, develop an authentic relationship, and create a desire to connect them to the church!